Friday, January 23, 2009

at 3:09 AM Posted by Visuals India

Project settings

Search engines – the list of search engines for checking the positions of your defined website URLs is specified in this list. Google, Yahoo, MSN are popular international search engines which also have national versions of their sites (i.e.,, etc.). Search results in the national sites may be different from those in the international sites. In the list of search engines, you may indicate the national versions of the search engines that are of particular interest to you. A number of national search engines from Germany, Italy, France, etc. are supported.

There is also a separate item labeled "Google custom" in the list of search engines. This search engine allows you to use Google for searching with custom parameters. You can specify the address of the Google search site - Domain (.com for the international version or any other for national sites), search language - query Language parameter (&hl=) and also the geographic location of sites to search for - Pages in/from parameter(&meta=). There are special options along with the default search available on many national Google versions, for example, "Search pages written in German" or "Search pages from the UK". The geography parameter allows you to specify these settings.

URL list –the list of sites for checking is specified here. Each name has an associated check-box. This can be used to temporarily exclude the site from a search without deleting it from the list.

Keywords list – the list of keywords and phrases for checking is specified here. Each word has an associated check-box. This can be used to temporarily exclude the keyword from a search without deleting it from the list.

Search depth (positions) – specifies the depth of the search, expressed as number of search positions. For example, Google shows 10 results of the search on each page; if you specify your Search depth as 150 Seo Administrator will check 150/10 = 15 pages in the search engine report.

Scan until first entry found If you choose this setting, the search will be carried out only until the specified site is found. The search depth setting will be ignored if the site is found. For example, if your site is found in the very first page of the search only that one page will be downloaded. The remaining pages will not be downloaded even if the search depth setting would allow it. Note: choosing this option speeds up a search, but reduces the scope for subsequent data analysis.

Number of search threads – specifies the number of search engines to be simultaneously interrogated. Note: the number of search threads should be specified according to the speed of your internet connection. If you have a high-speed connection, you can specify more threads. With a low-speed internet connection, you should reduce the number of search threads.

The buttons Add, Delete, Move up, Move down - allow editing of the Keyword and URL list.

Fill from *.txt – allows the lists of words and sites to be populated from an external text file. This function may be useful when checking a large number of words and URLs.

Start search causes the program to begin collecting information. After the required information is gathered, the statistics page will be displayed.

Ranking reports

Ranking report 1, Ranking report 2 – Information from the chosen site can be displayed in two ways. This switches between the two display modes.

Ranking report 1 – gives brief information. The results of all the chosen search engines are shown together in one table. This report can display the same data in two different ways: "One site – all the keywords" or "One keyword – all the sites". Choose a keyword or a site in the Keyword list or URL list to select the type of display you require in this report. This report allows you to compare the current position of your site with the position from previous search sessions.

Ranking report 2 – gives statistics that are more detailed. The ranking position and webpage of the found site is shown. The previous position of the site and its change is also included in the report.

Keyword list, URL list – allows you to choose a keyword phrase or website for viewing in the Ranking Reports. Selecting either a keyword or URL determines how the data is displayed in Ranking Report 1. This list also allows you to choose the site for viewing in Ranking Report 2.

Search database – each search session is automatically saved in the database to enable further analysis (to create reports on the position history, plotting, etc.). Choose the search date from the list to view ranking positions of the chosen sites on a specified date.

Delete – this key is adjacent to the dates list of the Search Database. Because saving of search sessions occurs automatically, unnecessary data may sometimes be saved in the database. The Delete key allows you to remove this data.

Progress – shows the percentage progress of the current task. System messages from the program, such as a progress log, are also displayed here.

Show top entries only – Different pages of the same site may be found several times in the search engine results. For example, may be at position 5 and at position 15. By default, both positions will be included in the report. You may turn on this option if you need to see top entries only, in the example this would be

Do not show positions changing – this option is only effective for Ranking Report 1. If you only need to see the current position of the site and are not concerned about previous positions then you should choose this option.

Interlaced background color – lines in the table have alternating colors to enhance the clarity of the displayed data.
The keys Start and Stop start and end the information collection process.

URL list

This is where Seo Administrator displays the responses from interrogated search engines as a URL list of specified depth. Pages from the sites that are checked for position are printed in bold type.

Search engines – this option allows you to choose the search engine from which you require the report.

Search database – allows you to specify the date for which you need to see the URL list.

Keywords list – allows you to specify a phrase for which you need to see the URL list.

Open start search page – opens the first page of search results based on the specified phrase and the specified search engine.

History table

For website optimization, it is important to be able to view a history of site positions in various search engines. That is the purpose of the History Table report.

Keywords list – the words selected in this list will be included in the report.

URL list – allows you to choose the sites for inclusion in the report.

Search database - allows you to specify the dates for the items you want to include in the report.

Search engines – this option allows you to specify which search engine results you want to include in the report.

Sorting order – allows you to specify the date order of items displayed in the report. You may choose either "Ascending Dates" or "Descending Dates".

Manual refresh, Refresh the report - by default, the position history report is updated automatically each time the settings are changed (for example, when a new phrase is added to the report). Sometimes it takes long to generate the report. In this case, it is more convenient to specify all the necessary settings and then generate the report only once.

Interlaced background color – lines in the table have alternating colors to enhance the clarity of the displayed data.

History chart

The history table of your site's search positions can be displayed as a History chart.

Keywords list – the words selected in this list will be included in the History chart.

URL list – allows you to choose the sites for inclusion in the History chart.

Search database - allows you to specify the dates for the items you want to include in the History chart.

Search engines – this option allows you to specify which search engine results you want to include in the History chart.

Sorting order – allows you to specify the date order of items displayed in the report. You may choose either "Ascending Dates" or "Descending Dates".

Scale (positions) – the positions that the site occupies may be dispersed over a wide range. By specifying the scale, you can specify a maximum position depth. If the position of the site is deeper than this maximum, it will be displayed in the History chart as "Not found". If you choose a large scale, the variations in position will look less significant. For example, a difference change of 10 positions will look like a big jump in a history chart with scale 30 but only a slight variation if the scale is set to 500. Your best choice of scale will depend on the range of variation of your site position.

Show tick marks – each point in the chart can be labeled with the site position. In some cases, a large number of such marks will make the chart appear rather crowded. You may turn off this option and then a position scale will be shown at the left of the chart instead of the labels.

Save as bitmap – allows you to save the image as .bmp graphics file for use by external programs.

Manual refresh, Refresh the report - by default, the position history graph is updated automatically each time the settings are changed (for example, when a new phrase is added to the report). Sometimes it takes long to build the graph. In this case, it is more convenient to specify all the necessary settings and then build the graph only once.