Friday, January 23, 2009
Sometimes you need to run projects automatically. This is what the scheduler is for.
Select module - here you select the module for which you want to create a project that should be run according to schedule.
The Add, Remove, Move Up, Move Down buttons allow you to add projects to the task list and remove them from it or arrange the list the way you need it, respectively.
When you click the Add button, you should first select the file of the project that you want to check automatically. After that you specify the rules according to which the project will be checked. You can check it daily, weekly, monthly or you can specify the date and time for a single check.
Sometimes you do not need to check projects regularly according to schedule, but you need to check a group of projects at once at a certain moment. The On-demand project option is used for that. The scheduler will not start such projects automatically according to schedule, but you will be able to start them at a certain moment by clicking the Run on-demand projects button.
Statistics - you can see the statistics of the checked projects here
Run on startup - if you enable this option, the scheduler will be run automatically when the operating system is started. It is recommended to enable this option because in this case you will not have to start the scheduler manually each time you restart the operating system.
Send reports via email - allows you to receive reports made by the program using e-mail.
User name - the username for connecting to the mail server.
SMTP server - the address of the SMTP server for sending mail
Your e-mail address - the e-mail address reports will be sent from
Send to e-mail addresses - the list of report recipients
Log in first. Due to fighting with spam, many mail servers do not allow mail to be sent if the mailbox has not been checked for new messages first. If your mail server uses this type of protection, you should log into your mail account before you can send a mail message. To do it, you should specify:
POP 3 server - the address of the pop3 server that is used to receive mail
Password - your e-mail password
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